This is one of my favourite pages cause it has my family & friends' PETS and PEOPLE on it.
If you'd like to share a picture of your pet (yes please) email it to us here or go to Talk to the Paw page. Arrrf!!!
Meet my newest pal, PETE THE PUPPY. He won't be a puppy for long. This time next year he could be sixty-feet tall stalking downtown New Jersey!
What a handsome devil. Looks a lot like me. ;-)
Me and Grandma May. Nobody but NOBODY tickles a tummy like Grandma May.
My oh my! 3 gorgeous girls! Meet my newest friends, Mollie, Martha and Maisy. Glad I don't have to decide which one to take to the beach. I know. I'll take all three! Wooooooooo!!!! Arrrrrrffff!!!!!
My friends from my favourite place in the whole world, Pads & Paws, the treats shop down the road. Henry (the one on 2 legs) is my bestest pal because he always gave me lots of tickles (on the back - my other fave tickle place) and lots of dog treats. Good ol Henry and Miss Penny and Miss Lindsay too! I miss you guys. WooWoo!
Oi! Autumn, Freddie, Reva and China! Looking good mates! Wet and golden too! Arf!!!!
I know it's not Christmas but this is one of my mum and dad's favourite pics.
I'm Cinder the Dog and Dad and I are exploring Arizona. I may be little now but just watch me grow! Woooo Woooo! August 2014
I'm Pumpkin the Dog or PK or a lot of other silly names. Mom and I go shopping a lot in San Diego. I get to sit in the basket on my blanket. Everyone makes a big fuss over me, which is only natural with someone like me. I like it.
I'm Charlie the Dog. I'm a happy boy. I got rehomed with a new family and got a new sister too.Woo Woo!
I'm Nala the Dog and as you can see I've told my new family just what I like and I got it. I said when it's hot I want my own pool to cool off in. And voila! Here I am. This is great. I give them all my love, which is easy to do, and in return they give me goodies. This is the life.
Sid the Dog and our favourite composer Mr Will Hyde.Click the picture to go listen to Will's music. It's grrrrrreat!!!!
Heeeere's Norman our friend from Germany. You can see how happy he is to be here. High-5 Norman! Wooof!!!!
Pal Sid the Dog again. He's Italian. Woofa!!!!
Thinking of you wee Megan. We'll never forget you xxx
Meet my friend Panya. She lives in Austrailia and was a rescue pooch just like me. Her mum Belinda took her home to nurse her when she was poorly and decided to keep her! Who wouldn't? Now Panya's the happiest munchkin in OZ! Arrfff!!
July 14 2013 ~ It was foggy on the beach this morning, but I didn't care. It was warm and everyone was having a good time. Best of all I got to see my beach lady friend again. She brought someone with her this time. His name is Alfie. He's a nice dog, but I still growled at him. I thought he wanted to take my stone. Mum said it's more like I was a tad jealous. Fiddlesticks I say! Wish I was at the beach now. woowoo!
Hope you are having a nice summer.
Lately I've been practicing my diving in rock pools and waves. Mum took lots of video of me. I hope to show you some of thatsoon. I'm pretty good.
And down here you can see me running on the beach with a girl and horse. Funziwonezie! Arf!!!
Hope you have a grrrrreat summer too!
Jack Sniffin Debreeze! ~ May 16 2011, I was catching the scent! ~
I'm so funny. Wanna know why? Because when Mom and Dad and I go on our walks through the meadows I stick my nose in the air and lift one paw (usually the right) and sniff debreeze. That's what they say I do. And it makes them laugh so hard. So naturally I keep on sniffin and sniffin, as long as they keep on laughing.
Here's a grrrreat video on 'How Dogs Smell' (besides smelling doggy ;-)~
Pippin (big one), Ranger (little Brown one) & Fringe are my ancestors. They are in Dog Heaven now
Long distance Friends (Tucson,Arizona) The pups are Shanti AKA "Her squeekness princess piggalotta of the pokanose" with her older brother Bhodi AKA "Sir pushalot of the all about meeeeeees".
Hildie the mastiff AKA Droolhilda who passed in April. RIP Hildie.
Some Kennel Friends I met. If I have to go to a kennel I hope it's that one. Woof guys!!!
"Hello! I'm Peanut, and although the smallest, I'm also the oldest, and definitely the most mature. I like to cuddle on blankets, on (and in) furniture, and on mommy's lap! I also like jumping in the air and rolling over for treats! Everyone calls me the little princess."
Otto (left) is an angel now, and I, Peanut am on the right. Do you like the way we pose? I say we both look like angels.
They even put our picture (by our mom Megan on the Small Annimal Channel website for National Ferret Day Take a look.
We are Jack's new ferret friends!!!
"Hi! I'm Dexter (left) I'm the one who gets into the most trouble by destroying things and trying to escape!" "And I'm Jasper. I'm always hiding treats and food around the house, but my favorite thing to do is cuddle and sleep next to (but most of the time on top of) my brother and sister!"
At Burghley House.
Try to get the ball from me Tris!
Jack and Tristan at the George Hotel garden in Stamford.
Whoa! Here's something you don't see every day. Wanna play ball?
Carol's GIANT TOAD Rrrroaaaaarr mouse-over to see how big he really is.
Here's my best canine pal fearless Jeddie. He singlepawedly put this giant rat outof its misery!
Remind me never to make Jeddie angry!! >>>>>
Wooo-cool American cousins Tyler,Andrew & Ben.
won many many many many many many many and even
MANY BMX races!
He has over 50 trophies!!!!! He's sooooo cool! My HERO!
is my cousin Ben with his friend coloring Easter eggs.
Seattle Museum. There's my cousin Tyler again. See how big he is.
Andrew and Ben
Seattle Harbor, USA.
I swear allegiance to the Queen (I was a baby in this picture)